Disable the dynamic checkout button


Last Update 7 bulan yang lalu

To experience the appointment bookings on your store, you must disable the Dynamic checkout button i.e. ‘Buy it now’ button since it will skip the time slot selection. 

1. To disable the ‘Buy it now’ button, visit the ‘Online store’ from the Sales channel section of your Shopify store.

2. From the ‘Themes’ page of the online store, click ‘Customize’ to disable the Dynamic checkout button i.e. ‘Buy it now’ button from the theme editor.

3. From the search bar, select the ‘product/service’ you wish to have an appointment booking.

4. Click on the ‘Buy buttons’ set and disable the ‘Show dynamic checkout buttons’ using the check box.

5. Once you’ve disabled it, click ‘Save’ to view the changes on the store.

6. You can view the ‘Buy it now’ button disabled from your store. Customers can now use the ‘Book time’ button to book appointments.

For more information reach out to our 24/7 support team! 

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