Customize time slots for appointments


Last Update één jaar geleden

As you start creating an appointment on the Bookeasy app, you need to add details such as appointment duration, slot interval, etc., to set up a time slot. 

1.Once you’ve linked a product to create an appointment, add an Appointment title (mandatory) for your internal reference.

Note: You can add team members and add multiple store locations so that customers can choose their preferred members and locations for appointments. 

2. You can now set up Time slots to define duration and slot intervals

  • Appointment duration - Set the duration of each appointment in hours or minutes
  • Slot interval - Set a slot interval displaying consecutive appointment times for customers to select. For example, for an appointment with a duration of 60 minutes and a slot interval of 15 minutes, customers can choose slot intervals such as 9 AM to 10 AM, 9.15 AM to 10.15 AM, etc.
  • Appointment lead time - Set up a minimum time (minutes/days) before which customers can initiate a booking. E.g.: 1 day prior to the appointment. 
  • Cut-off time - The cut-off time allows you to select a time beyond which you can pause the appointment and make it available for the next day. Eg: If you set the cut-off time as 12 PM, customers cannot book an appointment after 12 PM and can only for the next day.  
  • Number of days shown to a customer - Display the number of days available to customers for booking. Eg: Show the next 7 days 
  • Capacity - Define the number of appointments that can be made per slot.
  • Capacity by - You can set the capacity by appointment/ product/ team member/ location/ Team member & Location. 

Note: Make sure that you’ve added team members and locations on the settings page to choose capacity by ‘Location’ and ‘Team member & locations’

  • Appointment buffer time - A buffer time is a pause or break you can set between consecutive appointments. Eg:- for a 9 AM to 10 AM appointment, if the buffer time is 10 minutes, the next appointment will start at 10.10 AM 

  • Number of bookings that a customer can book in a session - Limit the number of bookings made by customers per session. For example, if you enter the limit as 1, customers can’t exceed one booking per session. If you don’t enter any value, customers can make unlimited bookings.  

Learn more about how to set up appointment availability on the Bookeasy app. 

For more information reach out to our 24/7 support team!

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